Thursday, July 19, 2007

In the Press

A couple of pictures and articles appeared in the press today, like the one below from the Suffolk Free Press. Also there is a good article that the Evening Star published.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Anglia TV

There was a short feature about the re-opening broadcast on local TV this evening.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Thank you's....

This is the time when everyone who has been connected with the project has their moment of praise. Apologies for anyone I have neglected to mention, but this has not been intentional...

Credit is given to the following companies who's professionalism and expertise made this project a joy to undertake:
  • Demco Interiors - Library design, furniture, counter and shelving
  • Alan C Keeble - All building works
  • Pitt & Abbott - All electrical works, lighting, networking and cabling issues
  • Wood & Race - All decorating
  • Lionel Hatch Flooring - All carpeting
  • Van Cols Photography - Graphic End Panels
  • Sign Dynamics - Other Signage
  • Threshers
  • IKEA
To the following individuals and groups I'd like to mention a special thank you:
  • Jackie - For keeping me on track and allowing me not to spend too much over the budget!
  • Cathy - For your faith in me and allowing me to get the project started and seeing it through to completion
  • Pauline - For your patience, ideas, advice and support
  • Lionel - For all your extra work that you've put into the project - I REALLY appreciate it
  • Liz & Paul @ SLS - For your guidance with the planning and continued support during the project
  • Janet - For your help with packing the library up (and unpacking it) and to Tony for the excellent lunches and for the transport!
  • Moya & Jane - The colours really work - the long meetings were worth it!
  • The English Department - For your support and patience especially at times while in the temporary library which I know hasn't been always easy!
  • Stella & Judy - For all your work on the Courtyard - It looks wonderful
  • Student Library Monitors - For all your help looking at the plans and suggesting improvements and for moving the stock
  • John - The champagne was a wonderful gesture - it went down a storm!
  • Mike & Deborah, Colin & Julie, Craig & Sarah, Eileen, Neil M, James, Rita & Anthony and my other friends and family - For putting up with me continually rambling on to you about "Library Refurbishment" for many months. You were always too kind and polite to say, "Craig, we've heard enough - start talking about something else!" when may be you really should have.


This afternoon was filled with success. Our re-opening went outstandingly well, mainly due to the students - the library monitors and school council who helped everything to run so smoothly, from ushering guests to and from the library, to pouring and serving refreshments and demonstrating the listening post.

It was wonderful to celebrate the opening of the new library and to see the hard work being seen by all. This is really only the start of the journey of this new library... But that is for another blog that can't really be completed in the 35 or so posts added here.

Our guest speaker, Francis Wheen, really made the afternoon and was entertaining but made serious points about the value of having a school library.

These events really marks the end of this blog, and we have now made our path to a new school library, it is now the way in which this path is guided and which way it turns in the future will be the real measure of success for our students and staff. After I have had some time to reflect, I'll do an evaluation of the project has a whole and add it here.

Here are several photos taken this afternoon... I think they speak for themselves

Monday, July 16, 2007

Grand Re-opening Tomorrow

It didn't come as a surprise but today has been very hectic in preparing for the re-opening tomorrow afternoon. I've spent today putting up some displays (with the help of my volunteer) clearing out the library office and having a general tidy up to make the library look at least reasonably attractive! My PC has nearly been restored - I've written nearly. as I can access the library automation software, but there is a problem with the network link so I'm without e-mail and internet access, but I'm told this will be rectified tomorrow morning. The afternoon was spent taking the blue boxes that had housed the fiction so well in when we were over in the temporary library, back down to the public library ready for collection later in the week. Demco came in and finished off the jobs that needed doing and finally we now have some wooden furniture for the courtyard. Another couple of things cleared off the list.

Phew. Early night tonight. Hopefully masses of photographs to add tomorrow.