Thursday, May 31, 2007

Building Work (Day 5) - Lights are also being fitted now!

Lionel (who does an exceptional amount of work for us in school in his own time) has started digging out an area for where a ramp will be situated shortly for access to the Courtyard.

Most of the lights have now been replaced and the network ports have begun to be added...

There's even time for a coffee break today! Thanks to Pauline, who has highly developed catering skills!

There's good news that the two heating pipes found on Saturday can be removed, so the area will be completely open.

Watch out for an update on Tuesday, as this Librarian deserves a holiday and will be back next week...

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Electricians are in (Building - Day 4)

Today the lights have been removed and that's why there are wires just randomly hanging from the ceiling...

And as a special treat
for the person who has been leaving comments
about the builder's braces...
Here you go, here they are again in their full glory, right by the newly fitted door that leads to the Courtyard.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Steady Progress Being Made (Building - Day 3)

The next "big" thing on the building list is on it's way to being completed. The library has two central pillars (one that is structural and the other is a mains pipe; both of which cannot be removed or easily re-sited). The problem is that they are not parallel with each other, which is not just impractical but also unsightly. The builder is currently adding a stud-wall structure around both of them and this will then be used to attach a newspaper stand.

Some other good news; the electricians are in and are going to start work earlier than scheduled and will shortly start replacing lights and adding network ports, as the building work is well ahead of schedule.

The picture below isn't library related in the least, but a lovely sight to see on my walk home. Makes me feel lucky to be living in rural Suffolk.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Yesterday we lost walls - today we've gained one (Building - Day 2)

The pace of the building works continues to impress, as a wall has been added to replace an interconnecting door that went to a classroom - which had no soundproofing whatsoever!

Mr & Mrs Hatch, Master Hatch & Mr Keeble need to take some time out to relax on Bank Holiday Monday after their heroic efforts over the last couple of days... I'll bring you in some more biscuits on Tuesday!