Friday, July 13, 2007

Fiction Stock in - Careers Material much improved!

I can't believe it has been over a week since I last updated this blog. Time flies. I won't say "when you're having fun" as yesterday must have been one of the most stressful days of this project (so far!) but enough said about that.

Over the last couple of days I have been slowly moving back from the temporary library and with it has brought all of the fiction stock. Again, my excellent volunteer Janet, came into school to give me a hand - We decided to shelve all of the fiction first (after I 'encouraged' some Year 8 students to bring over the crates! Never heard such a fuss - several of them had to sit down after carrying over a box!), then add the new stock and taking out the duplicate copies if they were tatty (99% were!). I then did a thorough edit of the fiction stock and quite honestly, I am now proud of this section - there's obviously some development needed put it looks good. I am keeping the stained and torn Horowitzs, Wilsons and Shans as these are the most popular authors, but in the library office - so should a very eager reader want to borrow one, and it is on loan they can at least have that.
Joy from Connexions has been busy sorting out the Careers section and done some sterling work today. I can feel that this section of the library is now "on the up" and look forward to developing this area in the future.

The plan for Monday is to be spent tidying up, the Courtyard furniture is also due to be delivered and installed. Demco are due back to sort out a few minor problems, so hopefully on the Tuesday re-launch everything will be perfect. Rewrite - everything WILL be perfect!

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