Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Thank you's....

This is the time when everyone who has been connected with the project has their moment of praise. Apologies for anyone I have neglected to mention, but this has not been intentional...

Credit is given to the following companies who's professionalism and expertise made this project a joy to undertake:
  • Demco Interiors - Library design, furniture, counter and shelving
  • Alan C Keeble - All building works
  • Pitt & Abbott - All electrical works, lighting, networking and cabling issues
  • Wood & Race - All decorating
  • Lionel Hatch Flooring - All carpeting
  • Van Cols Photography - Graphic End Panels
  • Sign Dynamics - Other Signage
  • Threshers
  • IKEA
To the following individuals and groups I'd like to mention a special thank you:
  • Jackie - For keeping me on track and allowing me not to spend too much over the budget!
  • Cathy - For your faith in me and allowing me to get the project started and seeing it through to completion
  • Pauline - For your patience, ideas, advice and support
  • Lionel - For all your extra work that you've put into the project - I REALLY appreciate it
  • Liz & Paul @ SLS - For your guidance with the planning and continued support during the project
  • Janet - For your help with packing the library up (and unpacking it) and to Tony for the excellent lunches and for the transport!
  • Moya & Jane - The colours really work - the long meetings were worth it!
  • The English Department - For your support and patience especially at times while in the temporary library which I know hasn't been always easy!
  • Stella & Judy - For all your work on the Courtyard - It looks wonderful
  • Student Library Monitors - For all your help looking at the plans and suggesting improvements and for moving the stock
  • John - The champagne was a wonderful gesture - it went down a storm!
  • Mike & Deborah, Colin & Julie, Craig & Sarah, Eileen, Neil M, James, Rita & Anthony and my other friends and family - For putting up with me continually rambling on to you about "Library Refurbishment" for many months. You were always too kind and polite to say, "Craig, we've heard enough - start talking about something else!" when may be you really should have.

1 comment:

lucyqwertyx said...

Thanks for sorting me out Lucy xxxx