Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Steady Progress Being Made (Building - Day 3)

The next "big" thing on the building list is on it's way to being completed. The library has two central pillars (one that is structural and the other is a mains pipe; both of which cannot be removed or easily re-sited). The problem is that they are not parallel with each other, which is not just impractical but also unsightly. The builder is currently adding a stud-wall structure around both of them and this will then be used to attach a newspaper stand.

Some other good news; the electricians are in and are going to start work earlier than scheduled and will shortly start replacing lights and adding network ports, as the building work is well ahead of schedule.

The picture below isn't library related in the least, but a lovely sight to see on my walk home. Makes me feel lucky to be living in rural Suffolk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad the braces to hold up the heavy trousers have disappeared today! Let's hope that the builder is not pictured behind bars tomorrow like the other livestock!