Friday, May 18, 2007

Don't Work with Children, Animals or.... Computers

Needless to say really, but the IT technicality wasn't resolved yesterday morning but was eventually sorted out at lunchtime today, so having had around six classes in to visit, and a few other curious souls who had found the library by chance, I had to do a manual issue so the returns are piled up on the floor, as I couldn't discharge anything. One thing I hadn't thought about was storage space when items were returned. However, the good news is that the Skeleton Library has now doubled in size, due to a very helpful teacher who told me I could open up the connecting doors as the next room wasn't used as the Year 11s had now left, so I now have a small bank of computers and several desks so can accommodate a whole class with relative comfort.

Another thing that didn't happen yesterday was the delivery of the skip to collect the steel which once resembled shelving. This was resolved, by I imagine a blunt phone call from the site manager, and the material was removed today. Most of the vacant furniture has now been collected from the library, so apart from the art books, where I'm still sourcing boxes for, and a few other oddities the library is becoming clear ready for when the building work begins at half-term

A book rep popped in this afternoon, and we had a good natter - I ended up overspending, like I always do, as I do get carried away with the Aladin's treasure trove of books - But have created a wish list order, should we have enough money this financial year to put in another non-fiction order.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done. Looks like a massive enterprise. Remember to watch your back.