Friday, June 29, 2007


Great news... The PCs were installed yesterday and today my (excellent) volunteer and I started restocking the non-fiction stock. I was glad that the calculations had been successful and we had ample space. The sequencing does seem logical, well to me anyway - trust me I'm a Librarian!

The next task will be putting the fiction into order and shelving this, but for various reasons (too trivial to go into detail here) won't happen until the week after next.

It's starting to look good though, isn't it?


Anonymous said...

Still seems a little messy - should have kept the old library and used the funding for something else. I am sure it will be worth it in the end.......

Anonymous said...

It looks like its coming on a treat. Can't wait for the opening ceremony. I believe that there is every chance that one of the town's most remarkable poets may turn up. I've forwarded a couple of appropriate books for the new shelves.

Mr Martin said...

Thank you for your contribution anonymous - AKA Mr Ben Tone, it is appreciated.