Monday, April 30, 2007


In order to highlight the impending refurbishment to parents, and to encouragement their involvement, I've created an Amazon wishlist where items can be purchased and posted directly into school - I've gone for the whole spectrum of prices, from £3.99 to £399. I suppose its a 21st century version of the "donate a book" scheme. We'll add the traditional name plates to indicate who has given the item. (If anyone reading this has an urge to buy a book, please send an e-mail indicating what you have bought and what you'd like on the nameplate). So far the interest has been good, but we'll know once the next newsletter goes out with a double page spread about the library telling parents what the new features will be (listening post, more space, improved PCs, increased shelving etc etc), a plan and a few pictures of the furniture. The physical work of getting the place cleared will start in exactly two weeks' time, so not long now until lift off...

Work has started on clearing the Courtyard - the husband of the Head of Art and his cousin kindly came in and rescued some plants before the groundsman are in tomorrow...

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