Thursday, April 26, 2007

Bit of background info

The real point of this blog is create a log of the newly refurbished school library. When I was in charge of refurbishing the last library I neglected to take many photos, so I'm not going make that mistake again.

A bit of background history.... The school library is as old as the school, that's around 35 years old and it desperately needs updating and bringing into the 21st Century to actually be of decent purpose to our students and staff. The work on the refurbishment starts on 14th May and it should be finished sometime around 9th July... This blog will chart the progress....

So to give you a brief rundown about what will be changing...

- All the furniture and most fixtures and fixtures will be going
- Builders will demolish a wall, add a door so we have fantastic Library Courtyard
- Shelving will be replaced
- A listening post will be added
- Replace and increase the number of PCs (not too many - we're not an ICT Suite!)
- The Library will be painted and the carpets and lighting will be replaced

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